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Amamentação do bebê

Birth Doula:
Which package is right for you?

A positive birth experience begins with...

. . . you feeling informed, capable, respected, and safe.  


The time to prepare for that kind of experience is now, during your pregnancy. You have the space to explore all your questions and uncertainties, and a doula gives you the attention and guidance to do that well.


Start with a FREE 45-minute consultation and see where it takes us. My services range from one-on-one 90-minute consultations to comprehensive packages that support you from pregnancy through postpartum.

What is a Birth Doula?

A birth doula is a new spin on an old tradition. In the “old days” (when all births happened at home), a birthing person would be cared for by friends, relatives, and the local midwife if there was one. The birthing person would know everyone in the room, and everyone in the room would know what to do to help. 


Even today, almost everyone wants someone they know and trust to help them through labor, birth, and postpartum. But our friends and relatives may not know much about birth and babies, or how to help. 


If that sounds like what you want, the next question is... am I the doula for you?

Here's what I can promise you...

I understand the birth process, so I know how to support it.

I will take the time to learn your specific preferences.

I won’t judge how you choose to birth, I will honor it. 


As your doula, I will be many things for you…

  • An extra set of hands to help comfort you in labor

  • An expert coach for your partner or other support people on how to assist you

  • A calming presence in the background if you don’t need my hands-on support

  • A resource with many tips and tricks for when you don’t know what to do


I am certified as a birth doula by PALS and INEPES.

My doula services include...


These visits are held in your home, or a coffee shop, or other comfortable location. These visits are casual, engaging, and super helpful. We discuss all sorts of things: your preferences for your birth, what you think will be helpful to you in labor, what everyone present at your birth can do to help you. We can practice positions and movements if you like, write a birth plan, make helpful lists, and share resources. Some clients ask me to attend one of their doctor/midwife visits with them — to meet their care provider, help remember questions to ask, and debrief after — so if that would be helpful for you, one of your prenatal visits can be used in that way.   


I join you at your home or birth place when you feel like you need my support. I offer ideas for comfort and coping, provide hands-on support, and bring helpful tools in my birth bag. I show you various positions, and do them with you if you like. I encourage you, and provide information and advocacy when you need it. I stay close by (physically or energetically) for as long as it takes, and coordinate with your support people to get breaks, food, and rest. 


I visit you at home a few days after your baby is born. You don’t have to get out of bed or drive anywhere! I’ll check in on your recovery and adjustment to life with your baby. I’ll answer any questions you have and provide tips and resources. I’ll fold your laundry while we talk, make you a snack, and offer a foot rub, a kind ear, and a hug. What I won’t do? Offer unwanted advice or opinions.

frequently asked questions

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